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Catholic Ancestor

Return of Papists and Dissenters in Cheshire Hundreds 1678-79

Recently I was checking through Sacrament Certificates (also known as Test Act Certificates) held at the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, for any references to HULLEY, HOOLEY or HOWLEY in the Macclesfield and Rainow districts. The certificates are listed under CHES 4/1 to 5 and show on each certificate the names of two males who witnessed the partaking of the Blessed Sacrament by the minister of the established Church of England. There is a large number of them from all parts of Cheshire, including the City of Chester, and cover the period 1678 to 1714. Unfortunately they are not filed in any particular order and searching for a single surname can be an extremely onerous task.

One of the bundles in CHES 4/2 contains, in addition to Sacrament Certificates, lists of names from various Hundreds, including lists headed "Papists and Dissenters from the church within the Hundred of Warrall (Wirral) and Brouton (Broughton) Hundred in 1678-79. These are not listed in the index to the documents and may well have been 'lost' for several years. As some of the names appear on a 'working' document, as well as on the 'final' documents, we are reproducing the information on membranes 3 and 7. (Italics denote words crossed out on the original document). [The complete list has been placed in the Society's library - Ed.].

Membrane No. 3


A List of the Papists and disenters from the Church within the Hundred of Warrall presented by the Petty Constables at the Monthes Meetinge helde at Shotwicke the 10th day of January 1678-9.

Townshippe Papists Disenters
Hooton Sir Rowland Stanley & Mary his Lady Agn- Massey of Puddington
  Mish... ..& William his Gentleman Thomas Gregson & Jo. Robinson
  Mr Jno. Napper Elizabeth Charley Wm Chantrell Alice Grantham
  Margreat Turner William Morgan Wm Moore John Ferne
  Wm Morgan Martyn Williams Ellen William Moore de Poole
  Bostricke Wm Hughes Thomas Gregson de Hooton
  An Bostock Mary Borroughes Caroli Butler of poole Thos Greyshede
    Wm Pallazor of Puddingtcn
Netherpoole Sr James Poole and Ann his Lady Wm. Morgan Caroli Butler Wm. Moore
  Mary Poole widd. Wm. Moore Gent. Wm. Morgan Wm. Moore Jacob Butler
  Cha. Butler Gent. Ellen Billinge Sptr Jrm. Letur Wm. Plant Thos. Wilkinson
  Honor Murphy Wm. Moore & Camli Butler Jlen Lyon &
  Jane Formebey Ann Lucas Ann Mollinaur Wm. Platt Jlen Lyon & Wm. Harobin
  Mary Hughes Wm. Platt & Jlen Lyon
  Robert Watt Thom. Wilkinson Wm. Platt  
  Wm. Houghton  
Shottwicke William Latham Wm. Pallazer & Rich. Jones de
Pudington Un. Masse Esq Mr Rich. Masse John Gregson & Wlm. Pallezor
  Mrs Agnes Masse John Gregson & Thomas Wm. Pallazer &
  Wm. Pallister & Alice his wife Wm. Delkes? Wm. Pallazer & John Napper
  Richard Jones John Gregson John N.. er & Wrn. Pallazer Wm. Pallazer
  Tho. Junmp Francis Dashwaw & John Gregson Rich. Jones & Fran.
  Mary Woodworth Ann Hilchmore Dashey Gev. Walley & Thos. Turner Wrn.
  Agnes Barrow Martha Parker William Pallazer & Thos. Turner
  Swindley beinge under ye age of 16  
Burton Wm. Kalley and Bridgett his Wife John Alex. Grimshaw
  Kalley und. age of 16 Pattrick Kalley  
  und. age of 16 Eliz. Parker und. Age  
  of 16  
Neston mag Thomas Turner Ann his Wife Ellen Ann Geo. Glaty & Rbt. Knowles
  & Wm his Children und. 16 Robert Geo. Wallery Tho. Chantrell
  Knowles and Ann his wife Robert  
  Thomas John Ann & Elizabeth his  
  Children all und. 16  
Leighton Wm. Chantrill & Jane his Wif David Win. Aldsey & Jo. Napper Wm. Chantrell
  Rustick Ann Forshall & Geo. Wallery
Thorntonhough Geo. Walle & Ales his Wife Rich. Evans & his Wife. Jane SeIlars
  P. Geo. Walley Thos. Chantrell & Margt Hodgson for one months absence
  Thos. Turner frorn ye church
Sutton magna Elizabeth Stanley (never came to  
Eastham Alixander Grimshall Ann Davies Mary Jo. Robinson & Geo. Walley
  Shurlock und. 16  
Iverpoole John Shaw & Ales his Wife Ellen David Davenport and his wife
  Shurlock wd. Eliz. wife of Robt Grier  
  (never came to church)  
Stoke (no entries) George Woodyarde & Eliz. his wife
Backforde Eliz. the Wife of Mr Peter Hurllston Elizabeth Glaynes, Nathall Hayes
  Mrs Ann Poole wid. Eliz. & Mary her  
  Daughters und. 16  
Mollington Mr Wm. Aldersey George Hatch Mrs Mary Wm. Delley & Wm. Chantrell Thos.
Torrond Ashton Turner & Thos. Gregson John Napper &
  Mary Taylor und. 16 years Wm. Pallazor
Morton (no entries) Wm. Leah Thos Leah.
?Erbie (no entries) Robert Hudson Sen. Jane Dawson Jewish
?Ixon Jane Leah  
Knoctorum Robert Chantrill Thos. Chantrill Wm. & Thos. Chantrell Robt. & Wm.
  Eliz. Chantrill Chantrell Geo. Waller & Tho. Burnan?


Cont. Cestre in the Lesser Division of Brouton Hundred presented att Gloverstone ye 29th Nov. 78

Tattenhall Dutton Ralph Dutton Elizabeth James & John Dutton
  his wife George & John Dutton
  Geo. Dutton Jun. Sen. Margt Dod Margt  
  Geo. Dutton Sen Jun. Eliz. his wife  
  Rich. Dod  
Littleton Thomas Dod Jane his wife San. Woodfen & Thos. Squire?
Christleton Jenett Parker und. 16 years of age  
Lach Newbold Wm. Rill a boarder his habitation  
  beinge in Bunbury parish  

[Additions at end of List]
Wm. Floyd; Tho. Maddocke of Agden; John Brindley of Hampton; Edrus Floyd de
Dorothy Brewer of Bicketon; Sand. Woodfen de Mary Rowley of Farn.;
Thomas Maddockes; Edrus Floyd; Thos Street of Woolston wood; Thos Powel1 of
Thos. Dod de (Littleton?)

Membrane No. 7

(Introductory paragraph in Latin which is not given here)

The Condition of this recognisance is such that if the above bounden Thomas Howe do & prsonlly appeare before His Maj..ies Justices of the paece at the next quarter sessions to be holden for this County then & them to Answer to such matters & thinges as on His Mj.ies behalfe shall be objected against him & in the meantime weell & duly keepe the King's Maj.ies peace and be of good behavior as well towards his Soveraigne as all otherhis Leige people and shall not depart the Court without licence then this Recognisance be voide or else to remaine in force.

Maddocke de Agdon Agricola     80
Jonathanus Nickson etc     40
Bartholomus Larton de eadem yeom.     40
    Edrus Lloyd de Malpas  
    Johes Brindley de Hampton  
Margarita Brinley de Hampton wid.     80
Gulielmus Bricksted de eadem yeom.     40
Gulielmus Dod de Malpas yean.     40
Johes Brinley de Hampton Agricola     80
Guli Bricksted de eadem yeom.     40
Gulielnus Dod de Malpas yeom.     40
    Edrus Lloyd de Malpas  
    Thom. Maddocke de Agden  
Richardii Damkin de Hampton yeom.     80
Robertus Larden de eadem yeom.     40
Jonathanus Colley de eadm Agricola     40
Edwardus Lloyd de Malpas Agricola     80
Johanes Brett de Malpas Yeom.     40
Randolphus Hopley de eadem Yeom.     40
    Thom. Maddocke de Agden  
    Johes Brindley de Hampton  
  Apud Hawarden secondii de Januarii
Thomas Powell de Burwardsley     80
Johane Leverpoole de eadem Agricola     40
Thomas Dod de eadem Agricola     40
    Thcma. Street de Woolstonwood  
    Thoma. Dod de Littleton  
  Apud Duckington septimo Januarii 1678
Maria Rowley de Farndon spinster     80
Georgim Clubbe de eadem yeom     40
Thomas Brereton de eadem Agricola     40
    Thomas Maddocke de Agden  
    Edrus Lloyd de Malpas  
Dorothea Trevor de Bickerton spinster     80
Thomas Bathoe de eadem yeorn.     40
Jacobus Talbot de eadem yeom.     40
    Sand. Woodfen de Sourstone  
    Edrus Lloyd de Malpas  
Johanes Tompkin de Hampton Agricola     80
Richardus Tompkin de eadem yeom.     40
Jonathan Colley de eadem byrsene?     40
    Ran. Dod  
    Jo. Leche  

The above material is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty 's Stationery Office.

Readers are reminded that the Catholic Record Society has published the Returns of Papists 1767 for the Diocese of Chester as Occasional Publication No. 1. This can be consulted in many record offices.

Ray Hulley
May 1993


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