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London Gazette Entries 1941 - 1946


Page Date Name Rank No. Corps Detail of Entry
473 24 Jan 1941 J.J. Hulley Capt. 26423 Junior Training C
Kelly Coll. Contgt
From T.A.R.O to be Capt. For ser. with the Contgt. 22nd Sep 1939
1223 28 Feb 1941 Arthur Hulley Skilled Workman   Civil Service Appointment without competition
2950 23 May 1941 Roy Gordon Hulley Sergeant 64955 Technical Branch Promoted as Pilot Officer on probation
6377 4 Nov 1941 R.G. Hulley Actg. Pilot Offr (prob) 64955 Technical Branch Promoted as Pilot Officer (prob)
6629 18 Nov 1941 J.J. Hulley Capt. 26423 Territorial Army
Reserve of Officers
General List
Royal Engineers
Transferred from Gen. List, Jun. Trng. Corps, to be Capt. 1st Sep 1941, retaining his present seniority
4332 2 Oct 1942 C.P.O. Hulley Maj. 32170 Royal Artillery Territorial Army - Efficiency Decoration
5227 1 Dec 1942 William Henry Hulley Able Seaman 17693 D/SSX. Mention in Despatches
5396 11 Dec 1942 R.G. Hulley Plt. Offr. (Prob) 64955 Technical Branch Confmd. In appt. 7th Mar 1942 and to be Flg. Off. (war subs.)
2816 22 Jun 1943 James Hulley     Army Cadet Force
Lincs Comm.
Promoted to 2nd Lt.
4179 21 Sep 1943 John Richmond Hulley Flt. Sergt. 1132626
RAF Volunteer Res. To be Plt. Offr. on prob.(Emerg)
5025 16 Nov 1943 John Richmond Hulley Pilot Officer 155120 RAF Vol. Reserve Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross
352 18 Jan 1944 R.G. Hulley Flg. Offr 64955 Technical Branch Commission relinquished on appointment to the South African Forces 6th Dec 1943
632 4 Feb 1944 J.R. Hulley Plt. Offr. (prob) 155120 RAF Vol. Reserve Confirmed in Appt. and to be Flg. Offr (war subs)
1697 14 Apr 1944 Silvester Hulley   313557 Royal Engineers
Postal Section
To be 2nd Lt.
3759 15 Aug 1944 Ivan Oliver Hulley Flt. Sergt 778857
RAF Vol Reserve Appointed to Commission as Plt. Offr. On prob (Emergency)
5948 29 Dec 1944 I.O. Hulley Plt Offr. (prob) 160195 RAF Vol. Reserve Promotion to Plt. Offr (prob) to be confirmed and appointed to be Flg. Offr. (war subs)
743 6 Feb 1945 J. Hulley Lt. 280009 Lincoln Command Relinquishes commission
2649 12 May 1945 Percival Vivian Hulley Lieutenant SR598359V S. African Forces
Attd. Royal Tank Rgt
Royal Armoured Corps
Awarded the Military Cross
3919 31 Jul 1945 Mxwll B'nard Hulley ACM 2nd Cl 1850610
RAF Appointed to Commission
4641 14 Sep 1945 Ivan Oliver Hulley Flying Officer 160195 RAF Vol Reserve See below


St. James's Palace., S.W.1, 18th September, 1945.

The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire and to approve the following awards of the George Medal and the British Empire Medal (Military Division):-

To be an Additional Member of the Military Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire:- Flying Officer Ivan Oliver Hulley (160195) Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.

Awarded the British Empire Medal (Military Division) 1110151 Leading Aircraftsman Richard Tyldesley Miller, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.

On the 25th March 1945, an aircraft crashed into the crew room of a dispersal hut whilst making an attempted forced landing on the airfield at Aston Down. The petrol tank exploded within the hut, where a number of ground personnel were changing. Flying Officer Hulley, who was standing nearby, attempted to extricate the pilot from the burning aircraft. Undeterred by the flames and the intense smoke fumes from the petrol tank, he continued his efforts until he fainted from the effect of the fumes and had to be pulled away. He acted with extreme promptitude and gallantry and with complete disregard for his own safety, thus setting an excellent example to all who saw him. Leading Aircraftsman Miller dashed through flames into the dispersal hut and rescued an airman who was slightly burned and completely dazed. He then rendered assistance in dragging away from the flames, caring for and placing on a stretcher, an airman who was badly burned. He displayed great personal courage without thought for his own safety and his prompt action undoubtedly saved one life.


Page Date Name Rank No. Corps Detail of Entry
5104 18 Oct 1945 P.V. Hulley M.C. Lt. SR598359V S. African Forces Mentioned in Despatches in Italy
5588 16 Nov 1945 J.R. Hulley D F.C. Flg. Offr. 155120 RAF Vol Reserve Promoted to Flt. Lt. 3rd Aug 1945
6203 21 Dec 1945 M.B. Hulley   163436 RAF Promoted
566 22 Jan 1946 I.O. Hulley M.B.E. Flg. Offr. 160195 RAF Vol Reserve Relinquished Commission 2nd Sep 1945


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