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Yorks09 - Descendants of Francis Hulley whose 4 children were baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield between 1763 and 1774


2. Francis Hulley

1763 02 Feb - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Francis Hulley - father Francis (IGI).

1777 - indentured apprentice: HALLAMSHIRE CUTLERS (from Sheffield Indexers website)
Hulley Francis, s. of Francis, Cherrytree hl., stone cutter; to (1) Ludlam Thos., sc., 1777; (2) Ludlam Geo.,
Cherrytr. hl., sc., 1780, F. 1794.
c. cutler
col. collier
F. Freedom
hl. hill
k. knife maker
lab. labourer
pk. park
sc. scissorsmith

1791 22 Aug - married at All Saints church Rotherham: Francis Hulley and Mary Gouldsborough.

1794 13 Jul - dau Sarah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Sarah Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

1797 22 Jan - son John baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: John Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

1799 14 Apr - dau Hannah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

1801 25 Dec - son Thomas baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thomas Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

1804 02 Sep - dau Mary baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Mary Hulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

Mary Gouldsborough

1791 22 Aug - married at All Saints church Rotherham: Francis Hulley and Mary Gouldsborough.

1794 13 Jul - dau Sarah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Sarah Ulley - father Francis; mother
Mary (IGI).

1797 22 Jan - son John baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: John Ulley - father Francis; mother
Mary (IGI).

1799 14 Apr - dau Hannah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah Ulley - father Francis;
mother Mary (IGI).

1801 25 Dec - son Thomas baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thomas Ulley - father Francis;
mother Mary (IGI).

1804 02 Sep - dau Mary baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Mary Hulley - father Francis; mother
Mary (IGI).

6. Sarah Ulley

1794 13 Jul - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Sarah Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

7. John Ulley

1797 22 Jan - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: John Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

1813 02 Jun - attested for the Fifth Battalion Royal Regiment of Artillery:
Gunner & Driver John Hulley Born in the Parish of Sheffield in or near the Town of
Sheffield in the County of York by Trade a Grinder.
Attested for the Royal Regiment of Artillery at Wentworth in the County of York on the 2
Jun1813 at the Age of Sixteen Years.
First Service After the Age of 18 Years, which he is entitled to reckon up to 11 Oct 1836
is Twenty Three years one hundred and ninety four days the statement of which is as
Regiment or Corps - Royal Artillery
Rank - Gunner & Dvr.
Period of Service in Each Rank - Amount of Service
From To Years Days
1 Jun 1813 31 May 1815 Under Age
1 Apr 1815 11 Oct 1836 21 194

1st SERVED In the Netherlands and France 5 1/2 years
At Gibraltar 5 1/4 years
In Portugal One year
Present at the Battle of Waterloo
Remainder at Home
2nd DISABILITY Chronic Rheumatism and Obstinate Cough, as stated in the
or cause of accompanying proceedings of a Medical Board dated 14 Sep
Discharge 1836. The Regimental Board are of Opinion that this case is not
Attributable to Neglect, Design, Vice or intemperance.
3rd CHARACTER The Regimental Board is of opinion that his character as a Soldier
has been Indifferent.
4th PAY and He has received all just Demands from his Entry into the Service,
CLOTHING up to the 11 Oct 1836.
I John Hulley do hereby acknowledge that I have received all just
demands as above stated.
(signed) John Hulley

1838 Dec qtr - married at Sheffield RD: Hulley John Sheffield 22 540 (FreeBMD).

1838 03 Dec - married at Sheffield St Peter & St Paul Cathedral: John Hulley 42 Bachelor Labourer Sheldon Street -
father Frans. Hulley Scissorsmith; Charlotte Pickering 51 Widow Sheldon Street - father Jno. Smith
Painter. Wits. E. Hudson, J. Kirk.

1841 census
HO 107/1333/7 f13 Ecclesall Bierlow Near Sheldon Street
John Hulley 45 I. Fender Grinder Y
Charlotte Hulley 50 Y
George Pickering 13 Y

1851 census
HO 107/2337 f509r Ecclesall Bierlow Albion Yard London Road
John Hulley Head M 56 Labourer Yorks Sheffield
Charlotte Hulley Wife M 63 Yorks Sheffield

1861 census
RG 9/3473 100r Eccleshall Bierlow Garden House behind 27 Sheldon Street
John Hulley Head M 64 Labourer & pensioner Yorks Sheffield
Charlotte Hulley Wife M 72 Yorks Grenoside

1864 01 Oct - Statement in Military papers - Admitted an In Pensioner 1 October 1864.

1870 Mar qtr - died at Chelsea RD: Hulley John 72 Chelsea 1a 183 (FreeBMD).

1870 24 Feb - Statement in Military papers - Died in the House 24/2/70 Ref G53201.

Charlotte Pickering nee Smith

1838 Dec qtr - married at Sheffield RD: Pickering Charlotte Sheffield 22 540 (FreeBMD).

1838 03 Dec - married at Sheffield St Peter & St Paul Cathedral: John Hulley 42 Bachelor Labourer Sheldon Street -
father Frans. Hulley Scissorsmith; Charlotte Pickering 51 Widow Sheldon Street - father Jno. Smith
Painter. Wits. E. Hudson, J. Kirk.

1841 census
HO 107/1333/7 f13 Ecclesall Bierlow Near Sheldon Street
John Hulley 45 I. Fender Grinder Y
Charlotte Hulley 50 Y
George Pickering 13 Y

1851 census
HO 107/2337 f509r Ecclesall Bierlow Albion Yard London Road
John Hulley Head M 56 Labourer Yorks Sheffield
Charlotte Hulley Wife M 63 Yorks Sheffield

1861 census
RG 9/3473 100r Eccleshall Bierlow Garden House behind 27 Sheldon Street
John Hulley Head M 64 Labourer & pensioner Yorks Sheffield
Charlotte Hulley Wife M 72 Yorks Grenoside

1863 Dec qtr - died at Ecclesall Bierlow RD: Hulley Charlotte Eccleshall Bierlow 9c 158 (GRO).

8. Hannah Ulley

1799 14 Apr - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

9. Thomas Ulley

1801 25 Dec - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thomas Ulley - father Francis; mother Mary

10. Mary Hulley

1804 02 Sep - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Mary Hulley - father Francis; mother Mary (IGI).

3. Thos. Hulley

1765 08 Mar - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thos. Hulley - father Francis (IGI).

1777 - indentured apprentice: HALLAMSHIRE CUTLERS (from Sheffield Indexers website)
Hulley Thomas, son of Francis, Cherrytree hl., stone cutter; to Ludlam Geo., Cherrytree hl., sc.; 9, 1777.
c. cutler
col. collier
F. Freedom
hl. hill
k. knife maker
lab. labourer
pk. park
sc. scissorsmith

1789 28 Dec - married at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thomas Hulley of this Parish Bachelor and Sarah Fritch of this
Parish were Married in this Church by Banns this Twenty Eighth Day of December in the Year One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine by me, Edwd. Goodwin Asst Minister.
This Marriage was { Thomas Hulley his X Mark
solomnized between Us { Sarah Fritch
In the { Richard Ridge
Presence of { Jo. Epworth

1790 21 Nov - son Thomas baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thomas Ulley - father Thomas mother Sarah

1792 24 Jun - dau Elizabeth baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Elizabeth Ulley - father Thomas mother Sarah

1797 26 Feb - son George Christopher baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: George Christopher Ulley son of
father Thomas & Sarah Ulley Button Mr.

1800 09 Jul - dau Hannah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah dr of Thomas & Sarah Ulley Sheffd Button

1803 18 Apr - son Jeremiah born Jeramiah son of Thomas & Sarah Ulley Sheffd Button mr, born 18 Apr 1803
baptised 2 May 1803.

1806 04 Apr - dau Harriett born at Sheffield - see baptism entry below.

1806 14 May - dau Harriett baptised at St Peter;s Sheffield Cathedral: Harriett dr of Thomas & Sarah Ulley Sheffd Button
mr, born Apr 4 1806 baptised 14 May 1806.

Sarah Fritch

1789 28 Dec - married at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thomas Hulley of this Parish Bachelor and Sarah Fritch of this
Parish were Married in this Church by Banns this Twenty Eighth Day of December in the Year One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine by me, Edwd. Goodwin Asst Minister.
This Marriage was { Thomas Hulley his X Mark
solomnized between Us { Sarah Fritch
In the { Richard Ridge
Presence of { Jo. Epworth

1790 21 Nov - son Thomas baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Thomas Ulley - father Thomas
mother Sarah (IGI).

1792 24 Jun - dau Elizabeth baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Elizabeth Ulley - father
Thomas mother Sarah (IGI).

1797 26 Feb - son George Christopher baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: George Christopher
Ulley - father Thomas mother Sarah (IGI).

1800 09 Jul - dau Hannah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah Ulley - father Thomas
mother Sarah (IGI).

1803 18 Apr - son Jeremiah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Jeremiah Ulley - father
Thomas mother Sarah (IGI).

1806 14 Apr - dau Harriet baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Harriet Ulley - father Thomas mother
Sarah (IGI).

12. Elizabeth Ulley

1792 24 Jun - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Elizabeth Ulley - father Thomas mother Sarah

13. George Christopher Ulley

1797 26 Feb - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: George Christopher Ulley son of father Thomas & Sarah Ulley
Button Mr.

14. Hannah Ulley

1800 09 Jul - baptised at Sheffield cathedral: Hannah dr of Thomas & Sarah Ulley Sheffd Button mr.

16. Harriet Ulley

1806 04 Apr - born at Sheffield - see baptism entry below.

1806 14 May - baptised at St Peter;s Sheffield Cathedral: Harriett dr of Thomas & Sarah Ulley Sheffd Button mr, born Apr 4
1806 baptised 14 May 1806.

4. Christopher Ulley

1770 04 Mar - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Christopher Ulley - father Francis (IGI).

1782 - indentured apprentice: HALLAMSHIRE CUTLERS (from Sheffield Indexers website)
Hulley Christopher, s. of Francis, Cherrytree hl., stone cutter; to Ludlam Benj., Cherrytree hl., sc.; 8-11,
1782, F. 1796.
c. cutler
col. collier
F. Freedom
hl. hill
k. knife maker
lab. labourer
pk. park
sc. scissorsmith

1799 21 Mar - married at Holy Trinity church Hull: Christopher Hulley of this Parish Militia Man & Ruth Everingham of
the same Widow were Married in this Chuch by Banns this Twenty first Day of March in the Year One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Nine by me Robt. Webster Curate.
This Marriage was solemnized between Us { Christopher Hulley
{ Ruth Everingham
In the Presence of { Joseph x Buckley's mark
{ Betty Pearson

1800 28 Dec - dau Hannah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah Hully - father Christopher mother Ruth

1803 22 Sep - dau Elizabeth baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Elizabeth Hulley - father Christopher mother
Ruth (IGI).

1810 03 Aug - dau Mary baptised at Holy Trinity church Kingston upon Hull: Mary Hulley - father Christopher mother
Ruth (IGI).

1812 21 Dec - dau Sarah baptised at Holy Trinity church Kingston upon Hull: Sarah Hully - father Christopher mother
Ruth (IGI).

Hull Cutlers - Hulley Christopher, (and patten maker) Prospect-street

Hull Cutlers - Hulley Christopher, (and patten maker) Prospect-street

Hull Cutlers - Hulley Christopher (and pattern maker) Prospect-street

Hull Cutlers - Hulley Chris. (patten maker) Prospect-st.

Hull Cutlers - Hulley Chris. (patten maker) Prospect-st.

1828 25 Jun - buried at Hull, East Yorkshire.

Ruth Everingham

1775 - born at Bridlington - see 1851 census and burial entry below.

1799 21 Mar - married at Holy Trinity church Hull: Christopher Hulley of this Parish Militia Man & Ruth Everingham of
the same Widow were Married in this Chuch by Banns this Twenty first Day of March in the Year One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Nine by me Robt. Webster Curate.
This Marriage was solemnized between Us { Christopher Hulley
{ Ruth Everingham
In the Presence of { Joseph x Buckley's mark
{ Betty Pearson

1800 28 Dec - dau Hannah baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah Hully - father Christopher
mother Ruth (IGI).

1803 22 Sep - dau Elizabeth baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Elizabeth Hulley - father
Christopher mother Ruth (IGI).

1810 03 Aug - dau Mary baptised at Holy Trinity church Kingston upon Hull: Mary Hulley - father
Christopher mother Ruth (IGI).

1812 21 Dec - dau Sarah baptised at Holy Trinity church Kingston upon Hull: Sarah Hully - father
Christopher mother Ruth (IGI).

1839 20 Oct - dau Mary married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: John Gilson 21 Bachelor Butcher Silvester Street -
father John Gilson Cattle Dealer; Mary Hulley 21 Spinster Savile St. - father - (Christopher Hulley
deceased) - (Pattern Maker). Wits: John Bradbury James Wilson.

1841 census
HO 107/1232/15 fr Kingston upon Hull Sculcoates Saville Street
Ruth Hulley 65 Widow Y
Sarah Dawson 12 Y
Mary Gibson 30 Stay Maker Y
Elizabeth Macknell 15 N

1844 13 Aug - dau Elizabeth married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: Thomas Wilkinson Full age Bachelor Labourer
Wakefield - father Matthew Wilkinson Labourer; Elizabeth Hulley Full age Spinster George Street - father
- (Christopher Hulley deceased) - (Pattern Maker); Wits: William Eastaugh Sarah X Webster.

1851 census
HO 107/2361 f654 Sculcoates 57 Saville Street
Ruth Halley Head W 76 Receives parish Relief Yorks Bridlington

1852 29 Mar - buried at All Saints & St Mary church Sculcoates, Hull: Ruth Hulley Savile St. 77 .

17. Hannah Hully

1800 28 Dec - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Hannah Hully - father Christopher mother Ruth (IGI).

18. Elizabeth Hulley

1803 22 Sep - baptised at St Peter's cathedral Sheffield: Elizabeth Hulley - father Christopher mother Ruth (IGI).

1841 census
HO 107/1272/6 f15 Wakefield North Buildings St Johns
John Jackson 20 Wool Merch N
Phoebe Jackson 20 N
Joseph Brummitt 20 M.S Y
Elizabeth Hulley 30 F.S Y

1844 14 Jul - (and 21, 28) Banns read at All Saints and St Mary's church Sculcoates, Hull: Thomas Wilkinson Wakefield, Elizabeth Hulley Sculcoates etc.

1844 Sep qtr - married at All Saints and St Mary's church Sculcoates, Hull: Thomas WILKINSON and Elizabeth HULLEY
vol. 22 page 424 (FreeBMD).

1844 13 Aug - married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: Thomas Wilkinson Full age Bachelor Labourer Wakefield - father Matthew Wilkinson Labourer; Elizabeth Hulley Full age Spinster George Street - father - (Christopher
Hulley deceased) - (Pattern Maker); Wits: William Eastaugh Sarah X Webster.

1851 census
HO 107/2327 f 486 Wakefield Stillings Yard
Thomas Wilkinson Head M 44 Warehouseman Yorks Dalton
Elizabeth Wilkinson Wife M 47 Yorks Sheffield
Elizabeth Wilkinson Dau 4 Yorks Wakefield
Mary Wilkinson Mother W 85 Yorks Bagby

Thomas Wilkinson

1807 - born at Dalton, south of Thirsk, Yorkshire - see 1851 census below.

1844 13 Aug - married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: Thomas Wilkinson Full age Bachelor Labourer Wakefield - father Matthew Wilkinson Labourer; Elizabeth Hulley Full age Spinster George Street - father - (Christopher
Hulley deceased) - (Pattern Maker); Wits: William Eastaugh Sarah X Webster.

1851 census
HO 107/2327 f 486 Wakefield Stillings Yard
Thomas Wilkinson Head M 44 Warehouseman Yorks Dalton
Elizabeth Wilkinson Wife M 47 Yorks Sheffield
Elizabeth Wilkinson Dau 4 Yorks Wakefield
Mary Wilkinson Mother W 85 Yorks Bagby

20. Mary Hulley

1810 03 Aug - baptised at Holy Trinity church Kingston upon Hull: Mary Hulley - father Christopher mother Ruth (IGI).

1839 Dec qtr - married at All Saints and St Mary's church Sculcoates, Hull: Hulley Mary Gilson John vol. 22 page 441

1839 Dec qtr - married at Sculcoates, Hull RD: Hulley Mary vol. 22 page 441 (FreeBMD).

1839 20 Oct - married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: John Gilson 21 Bachelor Butcher Silvester Street - father John
Gilson Cattle Dealer ; Mary Hulley 21 Spinster Savile St. - father - (Christopher Hulley deceased) - (Pattern
Maker). Wits: John Bradbury James Wilson.

1841 census
HO 107/1269/15 f50 Leeds RD.Rothwell SRD; White Hall Road Rothwell.
John Gibson Senr 60 Y
Bettty Gibson 60 Y
John Gibson Junr 28 Y
Mary Gibson 30 Y
James Gibson 2 Y
Isabella Gibson 4 mo Y

1851 census
HO 107/2316 f365 Hunslet RD, Chapeltown SRD, ED 1c Town Street Rothwell
William Taylor Head M 46 Coal Leader Yorks Rothwell
Mary Taylor Wife M 41 Durham Hutton
Lydia Taylor Dau U 22 Yorks Rothwell
Sarah Jane Taylor Dau 9 Scholar Yorks Rothwell
William Taylor Son 5 Scholar Yorks Rothwell
Charles Taylor Son 3 Scholar Yorks Rothwell
James Gibson S in Law 12 Solicitor's Writing Clerk Yorks Rothwell
Isabella Gibson D in Law 9 Scholar Yorks Rothwell

Note: the above census entry implies that Mary Gibson nee Hulley remarried to William Taylor after the death of her husband John Gibson. Their two children James and Isabella are wrongly listed as in Laws of William Taylor - they were step-children of him. Mary Taylor's birthplace is shown as Hutton, Co. Durham - she was baptised at Kingston upon Hull and in 1861 she was shown as being born at Rothwell, where the family continued to live - in the same house.

John Gibson

1818 - born - see marriage entry below.

1839 20 Oct - married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: John Gilson (sic) 21Bachelor Butcher Silvester Street - father John
Gilson (sic) Cattle Dealer; Mary Hulley 21 Spinster Savile St.- father - (Christopher Hulley deceased) -
(Pattern Maker). Wits: John Bradbury James Wilson.

1841 census
HO 107/1269/15 f50 Leeds RD.Rothwell SRD; White Hall Road Rothwell.
John Gibson Senr 60 Y
Bettty Gibson 60 Y
John Gibson Junr 28 Y
Mary Gibson 30 Y
James Gibson 2 Y
Isabella Gibson 4 mo Y

21. Sarah Hully

1812 21 Dec - baptised at Holy Trinity church Kingston upon Hull: Sarah Hully - father Christopher mother Ruth (IGI).

1840 Dec qtr - married at Sculcoates RD: Hulley Sarah vol. 22 page 430 (FreeBMD).

1840 15 Nov - married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: William Eastaugh Full age Bachelor Butcher Savile St. (no
father listed); Sarah Hulley Full age Spinster North St. - father - (Christopher Hulley deceased) - (Pattern
Maker). Wits: Theophilus Tankersley Kezia Williams.

William Eastaugh

1840 15 Nov - married at St Mary's church Sculcoates: William Eastaugh Full age Bachelor Butcher Savile St. (no
father listed); Sarah Hulley Full age Spinster North St. - father - (Christopher Hulley deceased) - (Pattern
Maker). Wits: Theophilus Tankersley Kezia Williams.

1844 13 Aug - witness at sister-in-law Elizabeth's marriage at St Mary's church Sculcoates: Thomas Wilkinson Full age
Bachelor Labourer Wakefield - father Matthew Wilkinson Labourer; Elizabeth Hulley Full age Spinster
George Street - father - (Christopher Hulley deceased) - (Pattern Maker); Wits: William Eastaugh Sarah X

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