Descendants of Richard Hully who died 1702/1703
Tenth Generation
Surname List | Name Index
441. Living ( , Arthur George , Francis , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard )
Living married Living.
They had the following children:
507 |
i |
508 |
ii |
509 |
iii |
Living |
443. Living ( , Arthur George , Francis , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard )
Living married Living.
They had the following children:
450. Living ( , William Varey , William , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard )
She had the following children:
452. Barbara Hully (Alfred , James , William , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard ) was born 1 in Jun 1944 in Birkenhead RD. She died 2 in 1968 in NE Cheshire RD.
Barbara married Living.
They had the following children:
512 |
M |
i |
513 |
F |
ii |
Living |
453. Living (Alfred , James , William , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard )
Living married Living daughter of George Gallear and Living.
They had the following children:
514 |
M |
i |
515 |
F |
ii |
516 |
M |
iii |
Living |
Living married Living. |
454. Living (Victor , James , William , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard )
Living married Living.
They had the following children:
517 |
M |
i |
518 |
M |
ii |
Living |
455. Living (Victor , James , William , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard )
Living married Living.
They had the following children:
456. Living (Victor , James , William , Francis , Moses , Francis , Francis , Francis , Richard )
Living married Living.
They had the following children:
473. Living (John Edward Hulley , Richard Hulley , Richard Hulley , Richard Hulley , John , John , Eleanor , John , Richard )
Living married Living.
They had the following children:
521 |
F |
i |
522 |
F |
ii |
Living |
475. Living (Edward James Hulley , John Edward Hulley , Richard Hulley , Richard Hulley , John , John , Eleanor , John , Richard )
Living married Living.
They had the following children:
523 |
F |
i |
Living |
Living married (1) Living. |
Living married (2) Living.
524 |
F |
ii |
Living |
Living married Living. |
Surname List | Name Index
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