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Lancs02 - Descendants of Johem de Holey of Dokenfeld who was alive in 1513


1. Johem de Holey of Dokenfeld


1367-69 SC 2/253/3
f10 Henre de Hullay & guad effy ten in Mottram in Longdend jn una ppt Johe de Hullay Hundred die tine
px post fin sta Carneth apt Ao supdec (?Transfer of Copyhold lease to Henry Hullay from John Hullay)
See pics 1140-1142

1375-77 SC 2/253/9
f6 Henre de Hulley (3) (Pledge - Robia/Roben de Longden listed)

1388-89 SC 2/254/10
f4rev Villae de Hyde - videli (that is to say) Willne de Hullay .....Henre de Hullay

1422-24 SC 2/256/1
f3rev Tonmad est Foras villat ad Henre de Hullay & phes le bilde feaer ny affrpay rnp Robin le Smyth -----
- Stokport ------ ---

1423-25 SC 2/256/2
f4rev Villae de Bredbury Henre de Hullay msufon & afrray parl onp Robin le Smyth --

1424-26 SC 2/256/3
f1 Henre de Hulley de fine p consd sohiend pptm pdom ---------

1425-27 SC 2/256/4
1rev Johem de Hullay de Poynton apud (at/near) Poynton - affray with Richno del Leghes de Poynton
f3 Henry de Hullay p confili de fine soli pphm Willi Blook? & Ricd de Selnester

1433-34 SC 2/256/7
f1 Rado fil Nico de Hyde ndr de tns de fine sohi pptm Johe de Hullay ... ; Rcd fil Rcd de Ruddesworth ndr
de tns de fine sohi pptm Rach fil Nichi de Hyde & John de Hullay...Rado fil Henre de Hullay de Dokinfeld
ndr de tns de fine sohi Robti de Dokenfeld..Johne de Hullay & Johne de Daw; Johe le Hatuller ndr de tns
de fine sohi pptm Rado fil Nichi de Hyde & John Dully rdcue Robtn Johe de Hullay.......(2)

1436-37 SC 2/256/10
f1rev Henerene de Hulley de Dokinfeld in eom Gestrd Walker attach fmt ad p rpond Alexd Weber de
plito debi p billam .......
5rev (Swainmote) Henrim de Hulley de Dokenfeld

1446-47 SC 2/256/16
1rev (Hu) Jacobum Dully
2 rev (Hu) Jacobi Dully .... Hugon Heyley........Johne Heley …(Hu)Set insultum & affrand snp Radm
Hullay & rpnd onn bawho pensserno snd capnt jrayd sangme (? Affray in Dokenfeld)

1449-51 SC 2/256/19
1rev (Hu) Johem Dully; (Hu)Rado Hullay md de tne de fine cohiend pphm Rado Honford Willi Chidirth
5rev (Hu) Villat de Dokenfeld cum villat annex & jurati pda & p.sent & dicut supa saqramemtum qd
Radne Hullay nup de Dokenfeld de cond Chestre laborer due dinca px post festum de Jacobi
..........Radm Hullay

From the above information it is reasonable to assume that a John Hulley of Mottram in Longdendale
died 1367-69 and his tenement passed to his son Henry. A Henry Hulley lived in Duckenfield Hyde and
Bredbury between 1367 and his death probably before 1446. He had at least one son Rado/Radm


No birth or baptism records exist for this person. All the following details have been taken from entries in the SC2 series of documents held at The National Archives and have been provisionally.allocated to this family tree.

Hundred & Great Tourn of the Hundred - Reference SC2 259 - 270

1513-15 Ref SC 2/260/4
7 Johem Holey de Dokenfeld
9 Plege de fin Johne Holey b condo pnt Rp R PDond Jacobus Holey & Johes Corbynton
9 Plege de fin Johne Holey b condo pnt Rp R PDond Ricd Buther Johes Holey
11 Johem Holey de Dokenfeld
30 (Copy of f.9) Johe Holey p confili pnt pi vr pddm de fin md olnondr pphm Jacobi Holey & Johne Corbynton

1514 Ref SC 2/270/73 Constables of Macclesfield Hundred
2 Dokenfeld - Johes Hulley

1526-27 261/5 17-18 Henry 8 Hundred and Great Tourn (23 membranes)
4 (at bottom) Johem Benet gner & Johem Holey de plito detencon bon vz Jollam eneam par etc
5 Johem Benet gner & Johem Hulley de plito detentoie bon . plin utapto?
6 (in margin - detencs) P Johem Benet vsus Johem Hulley de plito detencoio bon p eo gdr decemo die
February Ado x Rsme apud Dokinfeld def samste detmet de pdr gner vuaid Jollam eneam ptr iijs vnam
patellum piy vjs o & silve vs i argent vt Aoet & .def in ppr pson sna ur detmet .. xij
8 Johem Hulley gdr SH ps Adr Johe Benet de plito detentoio bon
1530-32 261/10 22-23 Henry 8 Hundred and Great Tourn (27 membranes)
3 Thomas Poynton Chins gnert de Johe Hulley de Dokinfield & Johe Fidler de plito debi plege de ps Crebito
1531-32 3 idem Thomas gr de pdr Johe & Johe Fidler de plito debi pleg de ps Crebito Alen

1531-32 11 Johem Fidler & Johem Holey gdr smt & s Ad r Robto Ardern de plito debi

1531-32 11 Johem Fidler & Johem Holey gdr smt & s Ad r pdto Robto de plito debi

1531-32 14 Robto Ardern vsus Johem Fidler & Johem Holey de plito debi p eo gdr p die July Anno xxj Rg nno Apud
Stokport def de nen debit pdr gner m sm pdr dlr ad emo demand rt .aet &tc

1531-32 14 Pdr Robto vsus Johem Fidler & Johem Holey de plito debi p eo gdr p die July Anno xxj Rg nno Apud
Stokport def de nen debit pdr gner m sm pdr dlr ad emo demand rt .aet. &tc

1531-32 17 Robtno Ardern gr de Johe Fydler & Johe Holey de plito debi plege de ps Johes

1530-31 17 Idem Robtno gr de Johe Fydler & Johe Holey de plito debi plege de ps Johes

1531-32 20 Johem Hulley de Dokenfield Johem Fidler gdr smt etc adr Thome Poynton clico de plito debi (2 more the

1531-32 25 Johem Hulley de Dokenfield Johem Fidler gdr smt etc adr Thome Poynton clico de plito debi (2 more the

262/9 33-34 Hen 8 Macclesfield Hundred Court (26 membranes)

1541-43 11 Johem Holey de Dokinfeld gdr st &tc Ad r Willmo Newton de plito debi

1541-42 15 Macc Hundr Willmo Newton gdr de Johe Holey de Dokinfeld de plito debi plege de ps Georgius Fidler

E179 Lay Subsidy Rolls - Macclesfield Town and/or Hundred
85/26 Macc Hund 37 Hen 8 1545-46 f1 Dokynfeld JOHE HOLEY p trs xls iiijs.
85/136 Macc Hund 16 Chas 1 1640-41 f2 Duckenfield in Brington JOHES HOOLEY in bonis iijli
E 179/ 86/145 dated 1664 A BOOKE
Folios 50 to 74 - Macclesfield Hundred
Note:- all hearths are listed under 'Chargeable' except those marked 'NC' - Not Chargeable
Folio 70 Duckinfield JOHN HULLEY i NC
Folio 71 Duckinfield WILLIAM HOOLEY ij

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