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Aust03 - Descendants of Charles Edward Hully born in Woolwich 1892


3. John Merchant Hully

1925 08 Mar - born at Ealing, Middlesex

1951 19 May - married at Albany, Westerrn Australia.

1984 15 Nov - letter from Alfred Hully (1918-1989 WestCum01) to John (Merchant) Hully:
52 Marsden Road, Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire, England SK6 4AS

Dear John (Merchant) Hully 445 Aust04
Whenever & wherever I hear or see the name Hully, I am compelled to get in touch with them, for the
simple reason I am the self appointed family historian of the family as such. I have spent the last * years
or so trying to trace all the living members. I have had a great deal of success in finding many relatives
in all parts of the world who have said that they have wanted to do this and in fact many have tried. In
most cases they have sent me details of their own families and from this I have been able to tell them
where they come from and who their ancestors were. In your case I am almost certain that you fit into
the space that I have against the sons and grandsons of FRANCIS HULLY that are missing from the
complete tree.
About two years ago I was lucky enough to obtain some address from a grand daughter (Angela
Markley) of Lewis Fredrick & Louisa Elizabeth Hully. Angela, a nurse in London had tried to find out
more about her ancestors without much luck and the address didn’t mean anything at all to her but they
did to me, as two of my aunts Nellie Mandale (Hully) & Dorothy Hully Claude Hully’s wife both
remember that there was a family in # # and the names Charles Edward, Lillian, Fredrick & John. They
have also visited two elderly aunts Beatrice & Molly Bucket in London and Malta.
My cousin Pauline Wishart who lives in Adelaide said recently that you lived in Perth & she saw you
about two years ago and that your brother & mother went to live in Canada. These pieces of information
came together when I looked again at the address as follows:

Charles & Lillian John Hully Mr F & Mrs L Hully
Edward Maud 25 Cray Ave 1967 Argyle Ave
8 Abbey Road Orpinton Victoria
British Columbia

I know that your father died in 1960 and after that, I could not find no trace of his family anywhere You
will have noticed that I said that you are a relation. The odds are about 9 to 1 on that you are and that
you are the John mentioned above The name without the E is almost unique there about5 to 6 that I
haven’t been able to fit into the family tree but I live in hope to prove that all the Hully’s are one family.

So far I have a complete tree back to1657 and some more broken connections back to 1558.At that time
the family lived in North Lancs in the villages of Tatham, Bentham and Clapham and continued to do so
until recent times, the last WILLIAM HULLY died in 1924, although his sister ANNIE m MICHAEL
FARADY (grandson of MICHAEL FARADY the scientist) died in1945. There are still two or three
descendants from the family side there still.
About 1800 3 or 4 of the Hully # went to Westmorland MOSES (father), JOHN (son) FRANCIS ¹ &
FRANCIS (cousins) they became Farmers, Butcher & Cattle Dealers in ORTON KENDAL and
UNDERBARROW & we are all descended from FRANCIS ¹ I should have said that the Hully’s were still
farmers in North Lancs and the farms that lived on still exist as live farms, I visited several quite recently.
All the families in Westmorland remained fairly static until 1860/70 a sudden scattering for the sons, your
Grandfather FRANCIS joined the army at Woolwich there is still a photograph of him in existence with
pillbox hat etc, and then a gap of some years to the next photographs taken in Malta, hence the idea that
he came from a naval family, held recently by the present Portsmouth area family (Angela).
Although I have said that your family completes that particular branch, I Have a feeling the your father
had another brother called Francis (one of the names in every generation since 1562) perhaps you may
be able to help me there? It’s only a feeling!
You will see further on an abridged version of the family tree & the present whereabouts of relations I am
in touch with. Is the Canada address still correct? If you are interested in family history I will send you a
fuller version, if not I make my apologies for troubling you.
For my self I retired 3 years ago and started this research as a hobby which grown as I found out the our
name is very rare and there were people all over the world who thought that they had no more relations
other than their own families and suddenly they found that they belonged to a slightly larger family with
roots going back along way.
It’s a very serious thing writing to someone you have never seen, but whose name appears in my files
and is a second cousin.
Romiley is about 4 miles from Stockport near the border with Derbyshire, I have one son &had one
daughter (died 1968) with five grandchildren, not forgetting my wife of corse plus two Alsatians. I write
regularly to many of my relations sending them bits and pieces of our family history as I unearth it from
old records. I have a collection of snapshots they send me, so that if I have never met them at least I know
what they look like. Incidentally there are at least two other relations in Australia beside Pauline including
your first cousin Mrs G Moir 5- 27 Marion ST Harris Park NSW 2150 & Kelso Palmer who lives in Henty
Many thanks for reading through this rather rambling letter and I hope that you can spare a few minutes to
send me a reply I will be very grateful.

Yours Sincerely

Alfred Hully 292

2005 14 Mar - died at Fremantle Hospital, Western Australia.

2011 20 Dec - a note from Nigel Hully:

Hi Ray
I should have sent this to you earlier about my father it appeared in National Malaya & Borneo Association news letter from the West Australia Branch
Web site is <> ( he is the second on this site)
you can place it on your web site on his note if you like, he is in Aust03 Australian descendants of Charles Edward Hully born in Woolwich 1892

John Merchant Hully 08.03.25 - 14.03.05: Royal Navy and Diplomatic Corps.

National Malaya & Borneo Association Whitford’s branch member John Hully was born on the 8th March 1925 at Ealing Middlesex London the second son to Charles Edward and Lillian Maud Hully. After living for a period in Malta he joined the Royal Navy age 18 in1943, taking part in the landings on D Day, and building the vital Mulberry Harbour as part of his contribution to the Operation. After the war John became a clerical officer in Chatham Dockyard and later appointed to the Commonwealth Relations Office in 1948. Posted to Pakistan as Assistant Passport Officer to the British High Commission, he took time out to marry his Australian sweetheart Constance Barker in Albany, before returning to his post until 1953. After RTU UK, John was again posted overseas to Canberra in 1956 for a period of three years, and on return found himself in the Common Market Dept of the Commonwealth Relations Office. Between 1959-1967, encompassing both the Malayan Emergency and Indonesian Confrontation periods, and apart from an interlude back in the UK, he was posted to the British High Commission in Malaya & Singapore in turn and in the latter, assumed the duties of the Second Secretary and Head of the Consular Division as Administration Officer. Also subsequently becoming involved in the administration of Technical Assistance and Colombo Plan Aid in Singapore. Migration to WA and retirement from Government Service next followed by 1968. Once back in civilian life, John mainly worked at the retail and management side of the clothing industry, retiring in 1990. Apart from being a staunch family man, his wife having died earlier on, John enjoyed travel, touring around Australia and membership of the ex Service community, holding down the position of State Secretary for the NMBVA WA Branch for many years. He is survived by sons Nigel and Nicholas and their extended families.

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